the barcode project

created 01-2007

From 1995 until today  i do lights/video/decor for a dutch cybergothic dancenight . One part of the video projection tries to answer the question “what is the dj playing right now’. Every currently playing song/artist  has to be typed in and will be visible on a big screen .  Not all dj’s wanted to do this extra work . They idea was to create custom made barcodes for all the songs. Which could be scanned by the dj with a barcode scanner . The only problem was , we had to enter all off the songs/artists in a database….

Which was to much work and the project stopped. Today the djs just manualy type in the artists/songs which worked fine .


There are two maxpatches in the zip :

cyberbarcode1.0  (the above picture) this will create barcodes and puts them in a matrix which has the size of an a4 paper (for printing).

barcreader will read the barcodes and put them in a coll . This coll will be the database…

the zip: barcodes


update : i also found this file :1000barcodes.maxpat it creates a 1000 barcodes as separate jpegs …


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